Build Gallery


Monday 23 September 2013

Siena's Stratocaster - Wudtone Custom 'Aqua'

Well, today I mixed my very own custom Wudtone colour. It's the product of combining the base colour 'Surfer Girl' with the base colour 'T-Bird' to create a really nice 'Aqua' shade. I think i got the colour pretty close to where I was aiming. I didnt add any white base coat, as I really wanted the full, deep hue.

Unfortunately the photo of the final colour looks much more green than in real life. The flash from the camera is picking up the green for some reason. Without the flash, the same bottle looks light blue! I got basically 1 full bottle (the bottle that you see here) from combining the two original bottles of base colour. I should get at least 3, hopefully 4 coats out of it.

After liberal agitation (the bottle, not me), I applied a first coat to the body of the guitar. The body had prevously been sanded with 240, 360 and 400 grit wet and dry paper, with the grain raised using methylated spirits in between 400 grit applications.

As you may or may not be able to see, the end-grain has taken a lot more colour than the front and back of the body. And while the colour is quite streaky at the moment, I'm expecting it to even up with the second and third coats. I'm not a big fan of the 'whitewash' look for guitar finishes, where the dark brown grain can be seen underneath the finish, so i'm really hoping the colour will deepen.

Anyway, I'm quite pleased with my first foray into Wudtone body coats. The guitar can only look better and better from here!

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