Build Gallery


Monday 2 December 2013

Les Paul Florentine: Scraping Binding & Tru-Oil

A bit more work on the Les Paul Florentine saw me sanding and dying the neck and headstock, as well as put the first coat of Tru-Oil on the quilted veneer. The quilting hasn't come up as well as I would have liked, but I guess it isn't too bad. Hopefully the quilting will pop as more layers of Tru-Oil are applied (typically it takes 3-4 coats for the full effect). The neck got the same wine-red mix (90% Cherry, 10% Blue) as the back and sides of the body.

Before applying the Tru-Oil, I was also able to scrape the all the binding clean of dye. What has been a stressful undertaking on previous builds turned out to be smooth sailng this time around, although I gotta say - trying to scrape that binding on the inside of the f-holes is a bitch! I finally managed it though with a small exacto-blade and a lot of patience. Fun times!

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