Build Gallery


Wednesday 2 April 2014

Stone Roses Tribute: Five Layers of Splatter

I'm 5 layers of colour into the pollocking of the Stone Roses Tribute. It's looking a bit average (read: shitty) at the moment. Just a bloody mess. I'm hoping things will only improve from here the more paint I get on there.

I think in general my son Eben and I are not using enough paint per layer. The guitar body is larger than my prototype and we need to be mindful of this. Will have to just keep at it and see what develops.

Postscript: 3/4/2014
With the fifth layer well and truly dry, I chucked the hardware on there to see how the build is really looking. See for yourself. I have revised my original opinion - I think this is shaping up really nicely!

The more colour I can get on this body, the better it is going to look. I haven't even got to the black lines yet - and in my opinion they help to bring structure to the overall design. Just have a gander at some of Pollock's actual work to see what I mean!

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