Build Gallery


Tuesday 22 April 2014

Stone Roses Tribute: Fucking Minwax Wipe-on Poly

Ok, so I'm pretty fucking pissed off. After 5 coats of Minwax Wipe-on Poly, there has been a distinct change in the colours on my Stone Roses Tribute guitar. The colour scheme I had worked so hard to create is now changed beyond repair. The whites in particular now look off-white or "aged". Not sure if you can pick it up in the photos, but under normal lighting the difference between the white of the pickguard and the now yellowing white paint is enormous. What a fucking disappointment.

With hindsight, maybe I shoud have known this would happen. The Minwax product is a "wipe-on" product meant to be rubbed on much like oil finishes. For this reason it isnt surprising that the poly has a very slight amber tint. You dont see it with the first coat or even the third, but by the fifth it's pretty fucking obvious.

This being said, a can labelled [Clear Gloss] is at the very least misleading. Fuckers.  I've since bought another brush-on poly from Cabots that also professes to be "Clear". Dare I continue putting on coats? I've no fucking idea..

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