Build Gallery


Wednesday 4 June 2014

Surf Monster Telecaster: Rebirth

Well, what can I say? After two sleepless nights contemplating the direction my Surf Monster Telecaster had taken, I have reconsidered my choice of a blue-burst Colortone finish, and have instead flipped back to the original inspiration: seafoam green all the way. There was nothing wrong with the blue dye job, per se. But the longer I stared at it, the more I realised that it just wasn't what I wanted for this build. What I wanted was a vintage inspired surf guitar!

And so, without further ado, out came the sandpaper to smooth  the existing layers of acrylic clear and on went the primer again. Hmmm, primer over lacquer I hear you say?? Will that be OK? Well, people use lacquer as a sealer all the time. So, um, yeah what the hell - I'm sure it will be fine! In for a penny and all that, right?

I got two coats of primer on today and I'll wait for this to cure for a day or two before I sand it down with 800 grit and give it a final coat.

Looking at the white body again, I know I've made the right decision. I really liked the original seafoam paint colour, and it was only in a fit of pique over my massive clear coat fail that I decided to change directions with the finish. Well, I'm putting that fail well and truly behind me! Now it's onwards to luthier glory...

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